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Sunday, November 15, 2009

8 Orang Jutawan Google Adsense Paling Sukses !!!

Google Adsense.. banyak sekali Blogger yang menggunakan program ini untuk meningkatkan kondisi finansial mereka, memang pada awalnya saat menggeluti dunia Adsense banyak sekali duka nya.. sulit mendapatkan traffic, Harga CPC yang kecil, dan juga untuk orang indonesia sendiri adalah kendala bahasa, yaitu adsense yang tidak support bahasa indonesia.. pernahkah anda berpikir "apakah adsense bisa menghasilkan uang yang sangat banyak" jawabannya bisa.. dan ada 8 orang yang sekarang ini disebut sebagai Top 8 Google Adsense Earners tingkat dunia... mereka ini bisa berpenghasilan minimal $10.000 per bulan.. nah ingin tahu siapa saja mereka ini??

Ingin tahu siapa saja orang yang sukses dari Google Adsense?? 8 orang berikut ini adalah orang yang memiliki penghasilan terbesar dari google adsense.. kebanyakan dari mereka adalah orang yang membuat website bertipe user generated content.. yang artinya content dari web mereka di isi dan di submit oleh pengguna web itu sendiri untuk di share atau di bagikan kepada orang lain.. karena situs semacam ini akan sangat memiliki traffic yang melimpah sehingga mereka akan kebanjiran traffik setiap harinya.. dalam bisnis adsense Traffic=Uang... nah mari kita simak profil dari 8 orang sukses ini.. yang dikumpulkan dari berbagai sumber

1. Markus Frind - PlentyOfFish.com - $300,000 (Rp.3 Milyar) Per bulan

Jika anda belum pernah mendengar nama orang ini, maka silahkan menuju website beliau di Plentyoffish.com dia ini adalah orang yang membuat website layanan gratis online dating dari apartemennya seorang diri. tidak lama setelah itu websitenya menjadi salah satu dari Website Dating Online yang terbesar..

2. Kevin Rose - Digg.com - $250,000 (Rp 2.5 Milyar) Per Bulan

Kevin Rose mulai mendirikan Digg pada desember 2004, digg ini adalah situs social marketing yang mana kebanyakan isinya adalah berita, video dan gambar.. yang disubmit oleh usernya kepada user lainnya untuk dibaca dan dilihat.. pada dasarnya setelah anda mendaftar di situs ini, anda dapat mensubmit berita anda dan orang lain akan membaca berita anda, dan jika mereka suka dengan berita anda, maka mereka akan melakukan "Digg" dengan begini rating berita anda akan semakin baik dan bisa saja masuk ke halaman pertama berita terbaik disitu.. nah jika sudah ada di halaman pertama maka yang terjadi adalah... LEDAKAN TRAFFIC

3. Jeremy Schoemaker - $140,000 (Rp.1.4 Milyar) per month

ShoeMoney dapat dianggap sebagai salah satu internet marketer terbaik dunia, orang ini sangat hebat dalam masalah Search Engine dan SEO tentunya. dia juga tahu bagaimana melakukan setting pada website nya untuk mendapatkan traffic yang optimal, pernah dalam satu bulan dia mendapatkan cek sebesar $132,994.97. Coba bayangkan betapa sulitnya mencairkan cek sejumlah itu!!

Tetapi tidak seperti Publisher lainnya, dia mendapatkan jumlah sebanyak itu dari Ratusan Situs dan Ribuan Domain

4. Jason Calacanis - Weblogs, Inc. - $120,000 (Rp.1.2 Milyar) per month

Beliau ini adalah Pembuat dari Weblogs, Weblogs ini adalah jaringan dari blog dan kira kira saat ini dia bisa menghasilkan pendapatan $4000 per hari dari Google Adsense, Kemudian dia menjual perusahaan ini kepada AOL seharga $25 Juta. Namun dia mengumumkan pengunduran dirinya dari dunia blogging pada tengah tahun kemarin yaitu juli 2008, sekarang dia hanya fokus kepada Email Campaigns

5. David Miles Jr. & Kato Leonard - FreeWebLayouts.net- $100,000 (Rp.1 Milyar) per month

Menurut artikel dari Washington Post, pasangan berusia 20 tahun ini di klaim bisa menghasilkan $100.000 per bulan dari Google Adsense melalui situs mereka FreeWebLayouts.net yang menyediakan template atau layout untuk Myspace.. saat ini banyak sekali situs semacam ini yang menyediakan Template untuk Myspace

6. Tim Carter - AskTheBuilder.com - $30,000 (Rp. 300 Juta Saja) per month

Tim Carter adalah seorang tukang ledeng dan tukang kayu profesional dengan acara radionya sendiri, dia mulai membangun website itu pada tahun 1995 dengan tujuan utama untuk melayani para penggemarnya.. Pada April 2004 Carter mulai mempelajari adsense dan memasangnya pada situsnya, dengan sedikit pengoptimalan website nya dia bisa meningkatkan penghasilannya dari $1.500 menjadi $7.500.

7. Joel Comm - e-book - $24,000 (Rp. 240 Juta saja) per month

Joel Comm.. siapa yang tidak kenal, banyak internet marketer dan blogger yang menganggap dia sebagai guru adsense atau pakar adsense.. yang menulis ebook berjudul What Google Never Told You About Making Money with Adsense. dengan e-book dan website nya dia telah menghasilkan sekitar $23,458.46 antara bulan november 2005 hingga desember 2005. Check Stat Adsense beliau di Sini

8. Shawn Hogan - DigitalPoint.com - $10,000 (Rp 100 Juta Saja) per month

Shawn Hogan adalah pendiri dari forum DigitalPoint, sebuah forum yang berisikan banyak informasi mengenai Search Engine, Marketing, Bisnis, Design dan pengembangannya kemudian juga tentang produk dan jasa. Menurut Artikel dari New York Times dia menghasilkan sekitar $10.000 per bulan dari Google Adsense

Member dari Forum tersebut berspekulasi bahwa dia telah menghasilkan dua kali lipat dari jumlah tersebut.

Nah itulah daftar 8 orang sukses dari Google Adsense.. mungkin data di atas sudah Basi.. dan mungkin saja sekarang sudah ada orang baru yang bisa meraih di level segitu.. untuk yang di indonesia saja misalnya.. kita semua sudah mengenalnya kan?? Cosa Aranda.. nah bapak Cosa Aranda juga pernah menerbitkan Ebook yang berisi sebuah Wawancara dengan para Publisher Sukses dari Indonesia..

sumber :

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Work Smart or Work Hart

Hard-earned being done since we have small capital so all its something, beginning of plots dummy blog, thinking up content, doing posting until memantain is that jaring is good technical and SEO is done own.

Meanwhile Smart's job is done because with proprietary big capital, therefore hard-earned series that necessarily we do get to be done by others. Our own gets act as konseptor is performing temporary it did by pro men at its area. With sistim job as it, expected result we can get with faster and even maybe greater.

Hard-earned here constitute Effect of startup capital that insufficiently is equal to, meanwhile SMART'S job constitute good management implement.

Diagrammatically second (2 )

Diagrammatically second it, I see one must-have key by businessman, which is UNDERSTANDS SYSTEM.

There are many businessman Internet which just hear big result without hard-earned then direct decides for free fall to go to carries on business Internet.

They then make jaring myriad and cram it with writings that just coffee paste and promise comprising gawps with expectation immediate gets millions rupiahs everyday it.

Eventually, working system at virtual world also prevailing as real world. Before deciding to fall to carry on business Internet, we shall see previously, business what do we will carry on. What thats ppc, ptc, review or affiliate marketing? Each area which we choose to have its system each so without understand aught system, all that we do will to no end sheer.

Diagrammatically drd (3 )

I see Fundamental of drd diagrams equal second diagrams, which is Grasp to at the end System it will make hard-earned our one do impacted on BUDGET and Working System THRIFT THAT EFFECTIVE.

Diagrammatically fourth (4 )

Meanwhile diagram fourth figure result of BUDGET and Working System THRIFT THAT EFFECTIVE by Marks Sense OUTSORCING that is so-called with WORKSMART.


Conclusion who I can fourth withdraw from diagram upon am UNDERSTANDING to prevailing SYSTEM.

Because, with even big capital that by a considerable part person was considered as Smart's job if not understand prevailing System will end by molder and amblasnya Lents Fund To Outgrow that proprietary.

So too laboriously which is done, will be bungled because don't Understand prevailing Working System. Boxer supposing that continually hits and hitting as hard as maybe without about target so after a little that boxer will exhaustion and stupor run out energy.

So core this postingan is UNDERSTANDING to prevailing SYSTEM.

How Opportunity Carry On Business Internet at Future?

How Opportunity Carry On Business Internet at Future

there is that asks to pass through comment area, I become to remember that this following question include in jajaran question that right usually been asked by candidates businessman Internet.

How actually prospect of Internet business at future? What is still result?

Before answers it, let us observe before one of characteristic of the most Internet business unpleasantly — incertain. One that intended in here, in comparison with conventional business in a general way, increase uncertainty in carries on business Internet much higher. Why? Since factors outside control we its amount quite a lot.

Want sought for trafik of search engine for blog we? Shuttlecock is udah yes applies against various technics SEO but is not penetrate udah bener's trick despite.

SEO have OK, trafik starts to come, eh is server yes shuttlecock suddenly down.

udah up's server again, beginning a lot of one asks about our product, rotation present its sites aggressed by hacker. Lost database all.

Relying PPC'S program makes to employ routine, suddenly that PPC'S sites gets lost earth engorged ridicule and its owner can't at contact.


I am certain already rather long time play at Internet business must have experienced one of between problems upon.

That is Internet business, friend. Virtual the world. Universalize where something earlier one pretend shown real get in changed sekejab as transitory.

Year 2002 before, tren carries on business Internet be PTC and HYIP. Hereafter there is business as promoter of online game by utilizes e gold. One a half year then, drd it goes to pieces. Latter, PTC is rebirth with concept that different few. Then paid to surf's appearance, banner exchange, paid traffic exchange, until eventual PPC. Of fourth that now just PPC that quite a still last.

That is Internet business, friend. Like wheels. Can up the stairs, can under, can also ambushed at ways crack and pivot stop.

Matter in conclusion, business nots Internet get prospect in the future?

Eits, who tells:) Studies unfinished cannikin its, hehehe. Nah, now, we see one characteristic of Internet business that most delight — not circumscribed. One that intended in here, a great many opportunity which can be found at Internet business world, so, if You Are brooding, therefore production potency (and resource) You are not circumscribed. Thus, uncertainty factor upon can be settled.

Its key classic, don't put Your egg in one basket and creates production door as much as possible. Fault that generically been done, well in business in common and also Internet business, are fall asleep with situation. Mentang mentang is production of one source was overwhelmed, forget to anticipate if a while that source is dry or close total. Accordingly, stress and suicide by jumps off tomato tree, hehehe.

Besides by increases sensitivity self to incoming source development, we shall also deep brooding predict whatever Internet business types that can get long-lasting. Here, there is two tips who I can distribute to be borne hand by You.

1. If gets focus on carries on business consisting of Internet tripartite (advertiser, publisher, broker / agent), sought for Internet business type that concept ala advantages to divide advertiser and publisher (You) counterbalanced ala. For example, affiliate's business and PPA / PPL (Pay Per Action / Pay Per Lead) constitute two Internet business that really advantages for product owner (advertiser) since expenses expenditure they can be depressed.

2. If doesn't want overchanging to on one's side other (remember, both of example upon, including also PPC, PTC, etcetera is included Internet business where You are still depend to on one's side other), sought for Internet business type where all control available Its on-hand. E.g., by opens online shop and sell product digital. Here, benefit and its loss all depend upon self You own.

According to me, that is Internet business types that can get long-lasting and gets prospect at future. So in conclusion, answer of this following question:

How actually prospect of Internet business at future? What is still result?


Water powered car from Genepax

By the time we all made repeatedly frustrated by Blue Energy farce which never showed signs of completion, a company from Japan called Genepax announced products powered cars claimed the water. If in the case of 'Blue Energy' who first spread the 'findings' is Java Pos newspaper, then in the case Genepax is responsible for Reuters India.

Genepax unveiled the car in the western city of Osaka on Thursday, saying that a liter (2.1 pints) of any kind of water-rain, river or sea-was all you needed to get the engine going for about an hour at a speed of 80 km (50 miles).

"The car will continue to run as long as you have a bottle of water to top up from time to time," Genepax CEO Kiyoshi Hirasawa told local broadcaster TV Tokyo. "It does not require you to build up an infrastructure to recharge your batteries, which is usually the case for most electric cars," he added.

Some people consider 'success' this is one of the 'evidence' that the 'Blue Energy' is not an impossible project. But surely the law of conservation of energy still applies.

According to FuelCell Today:

Though the company did not Reveal any more detail the company president said that they had "succeeded in Adopting a well-known process to produce hydrogen from water to the MEA", similar to the mechanism that produces hydrogen by a reaction of metal hydride and water . However the company claims that compared with the existing method, the new process produces hydrogen from water for a longer time.

Paragraph above a little more clear that the fuel is not water. I wonder what the purpose of this product to market Genepax with slogans like 'H20 Power' and the like. Water is able to react with hydrogen to form hydrides. But so are a source of energy is the hydride, not water.

Just to speculate, could be the car reacting aluminum with water to obtain hydrogen and waste in the form of aluminum oxide. Sooner or later it will run out of aluminum and must be replaced. This process we refer to as 'fuel injection'. As for producing aluminum fuel also requires energy that is not free. And of course we also need to question where the energy origin.

In short, the water is not fuel.

Saturday, November 7, 2009

Swine Flu Vaccine

Development and testing of an influenza vaccine can take about 6 months after identification of the particular strain involved. The time from initiation of vaccine production is expected to be approximately 19 weeks. Steps involved in the vaccine development process are:

* Step 1: Identification of virus (as soon as 24 hours)

* Step 2: Development of a Primary Seed (approximately 4 weeks)

* Step 3: Development and Production (approximately 12 additional weeks)

* Step 4: Testing (approximately 6 additional weeks)

* Step 5: Review and Authorization (approximately 1 additional week)

Two formulations of pH1N1 vaccine have been approved in Canada. Arepanrix™ H1N1 is an adjuvanted vaccine. The second formulation is an unadjuvanted vaccine, and is in production. The unadjuvanted vaccine is intended to be used for pregnant women. The rest of the population will receive the adjuvanted vaccine.


The unadjuvanted vaccine is an inactivated, split virus product. The virus is propagated in eggs, and the vaccine is prepared using processes similar to the process for seasonal vaccines. The product contains 15 µg of influenza A/California/7/2009 (H1N1) antigen and 50 µg of thimerosal per 0.5 ml dose.


Arepanrix™ is the adjuvanted vaccine and has lower doses of antigen. Each 0.5 mL dose of Arepanrix™ contains 3.75 µg of haemagglutinin derived from influenza A/H1 N1/California/7/2009 antigen, 5 µg of thimerosal, and the adjuvant AS03. The adjuvant system AS03 contains squalene oil, a natural component of cell membranes (10.69 mg per dose), and DL-a-tocopherol (Vitamin E; 11.86 mg per dose). The adjuvant also contains 4.86 mg of polysorbate 80 (Tween 80), an emulsifier.

Adjuvanted vaccines are generally well tolerated and safe. The adjuvant used in the Canadian vaccine, AS03, has been tested in approximately 39,000 people around the world and has been evaluated by Health Canada.


The first clinical trial data with the GlaxoSmithKline (GSK) AS03-adjuvanted pH1N1 vaccine (in Europe) involved an initial study of 128 persons aged 18-60 years, in which 62 individuals received adjuvanted vaccine containing 5.25 µg of antigen per dose and 66 individuals received the unadjuvanted vaccine containing 21 µg of antigen per dose. Seroconversion rates at 21 days following the first vaccine dose were 98.4% and 95.5% for the adjuvanted and unadjuvanted vaccines respectively.


Symptom Adjuvanted vaccine (n=62) (%) Unadjuvanted vaccine (n=62) (%)
Pain 90.3 37.1
Redness 1.6 0.0
Swelling 6.5 0.0
Fatigue 32.3 25.8
Headache 14.3 7.6
Arthralgia (joint pain) 11.3 4.8
Myalgia (muscle ache) 33.9 8.1
Shivering 8.1 3.2
Sweating 9.7 8.1
Fever 0.0 0.0

Almost all symptoms were mild to moderate in severity. No serious adverse events have been reported.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

How to Make Money With Hobby Blogs

To keep things short and to the point I am a bit of a fanatic when it comes to my hobbies. The key to my success, so far, with making money with my hobbies is to blog about those hobbies I spend my hard earned money on. I tried blogging about a few hobbies and interests I have that I don't spend money on and NO SURPRISE I made zero dollars. So now I stick to those interests that I know people spend money on.

How To Make Money Blogging About Your Hobbies.

Step #1 - Your first step, of course, has to be research.

Even though you may be spending money on your hobby you may find that not enough others are spending money on that hobby, so research it first to make sure it's worth your time, money and effort to develop. I would like to use one of my fishing blogs as an example of how to make money with my hobbies. I love to fish but fishing is a pretty broad market so I knew I would need to narrow it down a little. So I went right to one of my passions in fishing and that's fly fishing. Yes, that's a big market as well but I did something that narrowed it down, which brings us to the next step.

Step #2 - Make Your Hobby Blog Localized

If you use Google to search for the phrase 'fly fishing', without quotes, you come up with about 23 million pages, now that's a huge market to break into and my blogs can't be found without going very deep into the results pages. Getting a little more focused you can look for 'fly fishing tips', again without quotes, and you still get 2.6 million. You still won't find me in there either. But, if you search for 'fly fishing in new brunswick', yes, without the quotes, you will find 27,000 results, also two of my blogs on the first page of results. So for me blogging has become an income source because I focus on all things local in my market. I use names of locations close to where I live because people will get very focused when they really want something. You can quickly see that this is more of a niche now than a market and has been working for me. Two more examples: Using the phrase 'fly fishing tips for new brunswick' I have 6 out of the 10 sites on the first page of Google. But I also have 6 out of 10 positions on Google's first page for 'fishing tips for new brunswick' Making my blogs local has made all the difference for me personally and it will work for you as well.

Step #3 - Comment on Other Relevant Blogs

It's a must to get backlinks to your site and article marketing works great for that but you also need to get attention from others in your niche so get out there and start producing added value content on other relevant blogs. I always strive to be the first to comment on a blog post with helpful and useful content so that it gets that attention of the blog owner and those that are leaving comments. If you want to be the first to comment you need to keep a close watch on your favorite bloggers. To do this I use a news feed reader, Bloglines, to keep tabs on those blogs. When I open Bloglines I can see all the blogs I follow, it's up over 100 now, but what is really cool about it is I can also see each blog that has new posts, as they are bolded to the right of the blog name.

Step #4 - Get Backlinks To Your Hobby Blogs If you really want to get your blog some attention you need to get some links pointing back to your site and for me that's where article directories come in very handy. The first thing I do is write an article for my blog. Let's say that it is about a specific bait I used that landed me the big one. I have already joined affiliate programs I can make money with. I add a couple of well placed links and pictures in my blog post. Next I write a second article that compliments that article I wrote for my blog and get that one published on a top article directory. I personal always use EzineArticles as my first stop for publishing articles.

From that article's resource box I add a link pointing to the article I wrote for my blog. That's going to give me one backlink for each article I do that with. I will also modify the article slightly and publish it on other top article directories. I have a list of nine I currently use. That really helps my individual pages for backlinks which also helps my main page when it comes time for Google PageRank updates.

Step #5 - Don't Stop Doing Steps 1 thru 4

I know bloggers that have followed the steps above and then stopped expecting the money to just start rolling in. Well that's not likely to happen so my advice and what works for me is to keep on keeping on. To make money with your hobbies don't stop marketing.

James Mann has been helping others learn how to make money online since 2001. As he learns more about making an income through blogging and his hobbies he likes to share those findings with his readers.

Make Money Blogging - Blogging to the Bank Review

Affiliate marketing has become a lot tougher as advertising costs keep going up. One can easily go broke using pay per click search engine marketing sites such as Google AdWords and Yahoo. When these costs get too high you need a solution. How can you find an easy and low cost way to promote your products with out a website? Blogging is a great way to do just that.

Rob Benwell, the author of Blogging to the Bank 2.0, knows what it is like to nearly go broke advertising other people's products. He decided to ignore what all the gurus were saying and do things his own way using a low cost blog. What he calls his "underground techniques" resulted in $1,000 a day in sales. He is now sharing these techniques with affiliate marketers in his latest Ebook, Blogging to the Bank 2.0.

This Ebook will teach you several different ways to make money blogging such as, how to create cash on demand without a product or a website. He also explains why you should make sure you own your own blog and which hosting company you should use if you are just starting out. He has laid out the most successful step by step blueprint for long term blogging success like, how you can tap into the hottest new niches that have little or no decent competition and which key phrases to target to generate the most money in as fast a time as possible.

Benwell does an amazing job explaining in simple steps how anyone can make money blogging. The information in Blogging to the Bank 2.0 has helped me learn more about blogging and what it can do for my business. If you are searching for a less expensive way to promote other people's products I suggest that you purchase this Ebook. Mr. Benwell offers a 100% risk free guarantee. If you do not see a profit within the next 8 weeks he will personally refund you cost for the book.

Blogging to the Bank 2.0 is a great resource for the experienced affiliate marketer as well as the advanced. This will show you how you can save money and earn more promoting other people's products through blogging. Anyone trying to earn a living online should add this to their Ebook library.

For more information please visit: http://www.usfreeads.com/883427-cls.html

Ms. Talbert has been an online marketer since 2003. She has sold on eBay, has been involved with SFI and numerous other Affiliate programs. Currently she writes reviews of marketing and advertising products to aid affiliate marketers and webmasters.

She is also the editor and CEO of Healthy Moms an online magazine and networking site for moms. Visit Healthy Moms at http://www.thehealthymoms.net

Make Money From Blogging With an Email Newsletter

To make money from blogging, you need four key things. You need a blog, you need great content on that blog, you need traffic, and you need ways to monetize your blog. Each of these areas is an industry in itself, with the first one or two being relatively simple to create. The last two keys though, are a little harder to establish, and need care and attention to make them happen successfully.

The most important thing to have on any blog, particularly when you are aiming to make money from blogging, is a way to capture your readers name and email address. You need to do this so that you can keep in touch with your visitors when you feel the need to communicate, and also to simplify the task of making money with your blog, into the future.

Having a mailing list of interested people gives you great freedom to contact and communicate with a target audience, and as we all know, this is what it takes to turn those sales over. Having a regular weekly or monthly newsletter is an easy way to encourage people to join your list! When you have the newsletter template established and a delivery schedule organized you can use the newsletter to create an income in so many ways.

One of the most obvious methods of monetizing your newsletter is to sell advertising space within it, to others. This may be an offer that is only available to your members, and being that this is the case, they are likely to have products and/or services that compliment the content in your newsletter and what can be found on your site.

Depending on the circulation and readership of your newsletter, you could earn quite a lot of money from this exercise on its own. To make money from blogging you need to be able to diversify your options and have a number of methods on your blog, that each in their own right commands some level of revenue for your blog. Adsense is one way, ad space on your blog is another, and the newsletter as we have discussed is yet another.

All of these things and more could be made so that they are only available for those visitors who sign up on your list, and if it is advertising they are going to receive, you might want to offer a free advertisement or welcome article in your next newsletter issue, in return for joining your list.

This is a win-win because it gives your newest members a chance to get some free exposure, but it also gives you some added content (value) to an already great publication. The fact that your mailing list will see the new content, may also mean that more members are exposed to the idea of placing paid adverts in your newsletter for their own products and/or services.

Always include an option on your blog for people to join your mailing list. This way, the path to make money from blogging is a lot easier to follow.

A newsletter is a great way to make money from your blog, but simply having one is NOT enough to put money in your bank account!

I reveal the RIGHT way to set up a valuable, cash generating blog in my FREE ebook Stop Slogging Start Blogging as well as many other secrets the six figure professional bloggers use to make huge sums of money from their blogs!

If you want to find out more about me, David Walker, you are welcome to visit my blog.

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=David_Walker

David Walker - EzineArticles Expert Author